Location: Jambusan, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Date taken: October 5th, 2008
Camera equipment: Nikon D300 + Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D
Date taken: October 5th, 2008
Camera equipment: Nikon D300 + Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D

Places I have been to, photos I have taken, food I have tasted, music I have listened to, and life I have lived through.
Posted by CK Ng at 00:06:00
Labels: Kuching, Malaysia, Photography: Macros and Close-ups, Wordless Wednesday
So wee and cute!! Great set of pics :)
Superb shots! Happy WW
What an amazing color that grasshopper is... Amazing shots. I've got a bug too, but I don't know what it is... :-)
Great shots. I have never seen that color green on a grasshopper before..Happy WW:)
Great shots!
I am in awe!
I like the color of the grasshopper :)
Great shot! It's amazing how you got these shots.
Happy WW!
Really intense green. Nicely done!
So, CK - you are back home and now you photograph bugs instead of babes. ;-} That grasshoper certainly is GREEN!
Lovely collection of the macro shots. I think the bug is juvenile of cricket.
Happy WW! I wonder if crickets ever turn green?
Thanx for your earlier visit! I invite your blog readers to see one result of our nation's economic crisis ... the Zero-Dollar bill. (smile)
peace, Villager
Wonder whether it will glow in the dark...
Oh my...that is truly green. What fabulous photography.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment on my wordless.
The grasshopper is almost translucent. Nice captures of it :)
Very cooperative grasshopper to pose so nicely for you!
I love the color in these... how the green jumps out from the earth tones in background.
Excellent work!
BlogBlast for Peace - 11.6.2008
hey! I did a grasshopper, too.
Green on Green
Great photos. That is an exceptionally bright shade of green. Such a contrast, the grasshopper seems unreal against the background. But I have been impressed before with the colors and patterns of insects.
I love the intensity of that grasshopper's green skin.
Incredible photos.
great close up views
Great pictures! Simply amazing.
Hope you had a great WW day.
My WW post...
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