Location: Jambusan, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Date taken: October 12th, 2008
Camera equipment: Nikon D300 + Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D
Date taken: October 12th, 2008
Camera equipment: Nikon D300 + Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D

Places I have been to, photos I have taken, food I have tasted, music I have listened to, and life I have lived through.
Posted by CK Ng at 00:03:00
Labels: Kuching, Malaysia, Photography: Macros and Close-ups, Wordless Wednesday
Wow amazing shots, What on earth is it?
All I can say is "yikes!"
That's really icky looking!!! Great capture.
Happy WW! Come see what Santa is arriving in this year...
That's interesting...Have not seen it before. U're so observant. :)
Great shot even though that bug totally freaks me out. Happy WW:)
Ewwww! Actually, it looks like a frog that is wearing a chenille sweater :D
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
I've never seen anything quite like that. Very interesting.
Great photos. This particular bug seems quite anthropomorphic, like he's just "sitting and chilling out" in the first image.
sorta makes you want to cuddle it, huh? ha ha ha ha
That ting is nasty, but it's a great shot.
Now that is an alien bug, like from outer space. Very strange indeed.
What on earth IS that? Or is it even from earth? Very cool shot.
wow, really great shot! what kind of bug could this be?
I would not be able to capture such shots cos I will run when I see this :O
CREEPY!! But great shots!
oh my! what is that? interesting! and clear shot but still i can't figure out what it is:)
Perfect shot! Looks like something out of a SciFi movie.
Wow, wow, wow! That is fantastic!!!
Eeeww! What the heck is it? But the green colors are nice...
Oh my that is cool it looks like a little old green man
OK, I'm totally grossed out!
very clear picture!
Holy sh..... that's kind of freaky, as my daughter would say. Great shot, but I can't look at it too long. :)
One of the creepiest things I've ever seen!
On the Road Again
That looks like an alien not a bug. Great picture, I will have to show the kids!
Wow! Great shots! But, what in the he double LL hockey sticks is that thing??
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