Location: Stutong Park, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Date taken: 10th April 2010
Camera equipment: Nikon D300 + Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D + Nikon Speedlight SB-800 + Nissin Speedlite Di622
Date taken: 10th April 2010
Camera equipment: Nikon D300 + Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D + Nikon Speedlight SB-800 + Nissin Speedlite Di622

Lovely pictures. Words aren't necessary!
Oh my too many creepy critters and a scorpion too. You are brave to get so close up even if it is done with a zoom lens :)
Great close-ups once again! Such a variety of insects. I think the caterpillar is my favorite :)
incredible macro shots - well done!
Gorgeous photos. A perfect Wordless Wednesday post.
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