Český Krumlov Castle is the main attraction to the people visiting Český Krumlov. Its high vantage point offers spectacular view of the main square.
From the main square, it is an ascending cobble-stone pavement all the way to the castle.
From the main square, it is an ascending cobble-stone pavement all the way to the castle.

This archway marks the beginning of the climb to the castle through the castle's main gate on its left. Beyond this archway is the boundary of this beautiful small town.

Just after the main gate, I spotted two bears wandering around the lower castle ground. They don't come out to greet the visitors that often though, so seeing them is kind of lucky.

Before entering the 1st courtyard, the castle tower can be admired at a close distance.

After entering into the 1st courtyard, the castle tower is also in sight, but the bottom part blocked by the other buildings.

The 2nd courtyard and 3rd courtyard are connected by a very steep corridor.

Half way up the climb is a viewing platform offering the view of the main square. However, this is still not the best vantage point.

I finally reached the 3rd courtyard with colourful murals. They are markedly different from the real masonry patterns.

This is where a better view of this beautiful small town can be admired, but still not the best yet.

For better view, I had to keep on ascending to the 4th courtyard.

With all these views laying before me, all the tiredness form the ascend was all washed away!

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