When I woke up one morning in Beijing, my roommate (or living-room mate to be exact) was already awake and enjoying his quiet moment comfortably on the couch.

After getting refreshed from a hot shower and my stomach filled with a nutritious breakfast, I set on my journey to ‘Heaven’ at one degree below zero.

While I was waiting for a train transit in the subway, the painted tile walls attracted my attention and I took out my camera to shoot.

Half way to ‘Heaven,’ I’m really fascinated by the strength and determination of this man.

When I finally passed through the gate of ‘Heaven’ and entered the garden, the Temple of Heaven (天坛) were already filled with many ‘Heaven’ goers indulging themselves in all kinds of leisure activities.

It was a very hazy day and I couldn’t get very good shots of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest (祈年殿).

Further south to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest is the Echo Wall (回音壁) where the Hall of Prayer for the Heavenly King (皇穹宇) is located.

Inside the Hall is this massive wooden structure with interlocking mechanism to hold up the roof. Not a single nail is used in this structure.

After a long day in ‘Heaven,’ I was about to leave this heavenly place with a heavy heart.

But I decided to return to where I entered ‘Heaven’ with this route taken by the Sons of Heaven (the Emperors).

On my way out of ‘Heaven,’ there was another ‘Heaven’ patron who entertained me with the traditional music.

That ends another day of my Beijing trip.
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