I woke up early today for my second outing with the Kuching Shutterbugs after the first one to the White-cloud Waterfall. Apart from the passion for photography, these people are funny and humorous who make good hang-out buddies too. There's never lacking of jokes when Alex and Mick are around.
Today's outing is purely macro photography for small living things. Stutong Park has plenty of those, so we went. Although it was an overcast morning, and the walked through the Park made us sweat like buffaloes!
Alright, no more words from me, just pictures!
Today's outing is purely macro photography for small living things. Stutong Park has plenty of those, so we went. Although it was an overcast morning, and the walked through the Park made us sweat like buffaloes!
Alright, no more words from me, just pictures!

These photos are also available on my Multiply.
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