I sent in a photo that I took at the Kuching Waterfront a few weeks ago and it was selected the best shot for the theme of 'The Splendid Sarawak' (砂拉越繁华的一面) in the Cyberworld (新媒體) of Sin Chew Daily (星洲日報) on Wednesday, 5th December 2007. I didn't know about it until I received an SMS from a friend who spotted it last evening and I quickly ran downstairs to grab the newspaper to read that section. I was so happy to see that my photo was selected as the best shot under the theme of yesterday's publication.

The prize-winning photo belongs to the set of photos that I have put up on my blog some time ago. You may click on the photo below to follow the link to that post. Thanks for reading this. :)

WOOOOOO. COOOOOL. What did the paper say? Should translate and post it up here for us bananas to read.
Thanks Greg. This is my own translation of what the judge said: "The right timing and precise exposure brought up the colourful mood of the moment. The horizon is slightly tilted to the right. It could be better if the horizon is placed at 2/3 and include a boat passing by."
Thats a very nice shot.
Ai seh!!
Congratulations sifu! That certainly is a nice pic. Love the colours.
I think you re gonna get even more students now. lol.
Was there a prize? :)
CONGRATZ lao tze!!!
galvin> Thanks for your kind words. :)
WoMbOk™♂> Thank you! Don't think I can take in more students as I'm already tied up with 5! The prize money is RM50 but I dunno how to get it from them, I guess I'll just have to wait till they have contacted them. Haha!
brede> Tankiew! Tankiew!
Nice photo. Keep it up lo. :)
wah seh........! congratulations lao shi. *salute* nx post-shoot makan we should celebrate this!;)
Wow.. Congrats boss. Ur pics indeed deserve a well place there.. :D
jayceooi> Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. :)
ruey> Thanks Jedi #005. Sorry that I'm too busy lately to organise any outing.
alex> Thanks bro! :D
Great picture, it's very nice with evening photos.
Cool, dude! wow so technical you must speaking alien language. shudder shudder...
ooi greg and i not around for next 3 days til thurs. take care.
defintely nice pic!
defintely nice pic!
ck! congrates!
Wow that is really beautiful! Congrats to you, you really deserve it!
u left a msg in my cbox, so i just hopped over and see who u r. hmm.. another shutter bug.. me too but have temporarily stopped for few months..
the most favorite piece of mine is here. The 1st and 2nd images. need to pick up my photography soon! :) nice to meet ya.
bskaad, nee, shen, SlowCatchUpKuan & Liza> Thanks. :)
haan> Thanks for dropping by. Nice to meet you too. :)
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