I was thinking of having a photography outing with my Jedis for the sunset at Santubong beach but non of them was free yesterday, so it turned out to be a lone photography outing for me. The weather was good for the whole day, but during the evening, the thick rain clouds started to move in, so I decided to go to a nearer spot for sunset shooting and ended up at the deserted wharf at Pending.
It was raining cats and dogs when I first arrived, so I went for a joyride around that area while waiting for the rain to stop. The rain finally stopped after about 10 minutes and I drove in to that deserted wharf. There were quite a number of people doing their game fishing there, including a group of Korean kids.
It was raining cats and dogs when I first arrived, so I went for a joyride around that area while waiting for the rain to stop. The rain finally stopped after about 10 minutes and I drove in to that deserted wharf. There were quite a number of people doing their game fishing there, including a group of Korean kids.

Of late, there were quite a lot of things in my mind that really bothered me. My mind was just like the sun being blocked by the rain clouds. I couldn't see clearly.

Perhaps I've left my imagination running wild. It has drifted too far out. Why should I be bothered by the things that were really out of reach?

As I waited for the sunset, the fishing boats started to return home with their harvest. I told myself that I need to pull back all the thoughts that run wild, although there's zero harvest.

Sitting beside the people with their fishing rods, I patiently waited for the sun to set whereas the others patiently waited for the fishes to bite on their baits. As I witnessed the change in colour, I realised that nothing is in my control except myself. Why should I be bothered for the changes in other people? What is more important is my self-control, and that is going to determine my destiny.

This lone photography outing gave me the time and space that I really needed to clear out my mind. Under the gentle breeze that caressed my body and soul, I could see clearly through my thoughts. It is a clear picture now.

Very nice. I like your second picture. Which nikon lens you are using? Cyn
Hi Cynthia, the second picture was taken with the Tokina 12-24mm ultra-wide angle zoom lens. It's not Nikon. :) Nikon has a zoom lens of the same range but almost twice as expensive.
Hey Sifu.
Esp. like the last pic.
Good to hear that everything is clear :)
Hi Gordon, we missed the midnight-blue sky the other time because of the weather, so I went to capture it once more. The weather was not any better though. Maybe we can have another outing there again.
like the 2nd last pic.
two frogs in a pond. they decide to jump in. how many left?
worrying won't help, ask God n then do your part!Cheer up!
Hi Sifu. Glad that your "me time" cheered you up. C u soon with the rest of the jedis?
Hi Terri, thanks very much for the advice. I already have an answer for that. :)
Hi Ruey, thanks! I hope I can see you all soon too! :)
I love the last one. Nice... :)
Thanks Jayce. :)
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