I came across this book when I was browsing through the 'New Arrival' section at Popular Bookstore this evening. What caught my eyes was one of the quotes shown at the back cover: "Only women who are not pretty should be employed by the State Government, as these women would not be able to get rich husbands who can support them financially." I grabbed one copy immediately and paid at a discounted member price and I couldn't wait to read into the pages.

I found a page in which the politician was insulting all Malaysian men. How can a personal experience be implied across the board?

For all the Malaysian women who are still laughing, you are at no mercy of another Malaysian politician. When did Confucius say this? He has probably read the pirated Confucius book with the title "Confusion" without even knowing it! It will be interesting to hear his other quotes from this book "Confusion" that is impossible to find in ordinary bookstore. The bookstore he went to was probably operated by the piracy syndicate with members roaming Petaling Street and whispering to passersby: "Got special version, want?"

The Malaysia General Election is just less than two weeks from now, and I found a page which I find it unbelievable! One of the ruling political parties was commented to be operating outside of the Malaysian laws! I thought this exists in gangsterism only, but apparently it is worse than I thought.

what the heck???
screw those politicians!
Must by this book already.
This book is really a page turner. I finished reading it in less than 3 hours!
what?! i even sat next to the sabah misogynist (who said tt thing about enjoying the rape) at one dinner b4 his outrageous out burst. in fact, i complained to the hosts HSBC (and the next year, i think he wasn't invited cos didn't c him) bc at this dinner, the bank invited The Malaysian Philharmonic which is made up of quite a few caucasians n this white guy assigned to sit at our table was very nice. he got up to play the violin, n when he came back tt stupid misogynist said "You should have played xyz music" and i can't remember how the musician reply him but the next thing the stupid guy burst out, "We are the ones who pay and you play whatever we want to listen!!" tt was so damn arrogant, rude n condescending.just bc he's a bank customer.
n tt last point about their immunity..grrr!!!!!!!!
oh i rmber now, he asked tt the guy play some stupid music from the 70s (bc he couldn't understand classical music) and when he burst out, he whammed the table with his hand!!it was a black-tie dinner. we were all stunned.
That shows how uncivilised some of our Malaysian politicians are! That's the consequence of voting for the political party rather than voting for the candidate in the Malaysia General Election, generally. Even a donkey can win if they ever put up one!
but ck u can't vote for the candidates either. in my opinion, all politicians are opportunists and crooks.period.
Well Terri, we still need to perform our duty as a citizen. So the best for us to do is not to let any alliance win the 2/3 seats in the Parliament so that each side will have their watch dogs.
seems it's a good compilation.. how much is the book?
Hi Haan, the book is RM30. I got it at Popular member price of RM27.
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