We wanted to have the authentic Hong Kong dim sum but we did not know which restaurant is good at that. We asked the taxi driver who sent us back to the hotel across the underwater one night and he recommended us Wing Wah Restaurant (荣华酒楼) just opposite the hotel that we were putting up at the junction of Lockhart Road and Stewart Road. His comment on this restaurant was that this restaurant is the 'traditional' type, so we thought the food must be authentic.

The dim sum were all listed out on a piece of menu, so we just needed to scribble the number of servings inside the parentheses next to each item.

In fact, the definition of 'traditional' by the taxi driver was that this restaurant is patronised by the regular customers, meaning that most of them are uncles and aunties. We were at the only table with so called 'young people.'

So we ordered some very traditional items too, since this is a 'traditional' restaurant. The oven-baked cha siew puffs (焗叉烧酥) were actually very nice. One of the best I have tasted.

I don't know how to translate the name of these into English. The direct translation would be 'hometown salted-water puffs' (家乡咸水角). The filling was fried meat cubes which tasted salty. The deep-fried wrapping skin was crispy. Nice item though.

We wouldn't miss this item whenever we have dim sum. This time we ordered the cheong fan with fresh shrimps (鲜虾肠粉). This was also very good at this restaurant.

Another 'must order' item whenever we are having dim sum, the shrimp dumplings (虾饺). These were also quite good over here, the shrimps were pretty fresh.

Beside the shrimp dumplings, there are always the siew mai, and this type was called the 'crab-king' siew mai (蟹王烧卖)!

And beside the siew mai, there are always cha siew bau (蜜汁叉烧包). These steamed buns with barbecued pork were really nice, especially the fluffy and soft wrapping skin.

We saw the uncle on the next table kept ordering just one thing, so it must be good! We peeped to see what was it and ordered the same thing. It was the custard Malay cake (奶皇马来糕). It was indeed very tasty. No wonder the uncle liked it so much.

Another type of common dim sum item that we ordered was the pan-fried turnip cake (煎萝卜糕). We were quite full already before we ate this, so I don't think we had made good justice on its taste.

The last item on our table was this glutinous rice with preserved meat (腊味糯米饭). It tasted nicer and nicer with each bite. I finished the whole thing even though I was full. Remember that there are still levels of 'very full' and 'exploding!' No wonder they put this as the first item on the dim sum menu.

Here I am staring at these dim-sum and drooling all over my keyboard! I want some 鲜虾肠粉 for my breakfast :P
As I'm so far away from Hong Kong now, I myself too, can only look at the pictures and drool.
Sifu,. I am so happy that it's lunch time now. Looking at the pictures has me on permanent drool mode. (Usually am when it comes to food) The dimsum lookz awesomez.
Wing Wah is actually quite famous I think. I remember a HK friend talking about it back in uni.
yes, wing wah chinese sausages n mooncakes are famous but i think there r so many wing wahs. the best cantonese restaurant i went to on my trip last year was Dai Wing Wah, owned by tt fat white-haired guy called Toto on TVB.he has 2 such restaurants, one in Yuen Long n the one i went to in Central. i dream about eating there again, hopefully soon.
Yummy... Can I have some? :D
Wombok, Terri & Jayce> There are in fact many Wing Wahs around in Hong Kong as Terri has said. I 'm also confused about which is which! The taxi driver recommended us this one because it was just opposite our hotel. We asked him what's so special about this restaurant and he replied that it is 'traditional.' The traditional dim sum items are good indeed. I am craving for the baked cha siew puffs and the cha siew bao!
i'm drooling profusely. LOL
Me too! LOL! :D
Eh, do u have the exact address for this shop? Which part of HK is it in?
After looking at your pics, I am really tempted to go try it out during my upcoming trip.
Hi Happydog, this restaurant is at the junction of Lockhart Road and Stewart Road, Wan Chai area.
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