Location: Meiji Jingu, Tokyo, Japan
Date taken: June 28th, 2008
Cameras: Nikon D300 + Micro Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D, Nikon D70s + Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D
Date taken: June 28th, 2008
Cameras: Nikon D300 + Micro Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D, Nikon D70s + Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D

Its my first time to see an authentic Japanese Wedding Procession. Thanks for sharing.
Happy WW!
Very interesting picture...Happy WW!
CK, I do admire the way you take photos. You must be a pro. And how I wish I could attend a Japanese wedding someday.
it's really cool to see the Japanese traditions!
Excellent photos.
Have a wonderful WW.
Happy WW and thanks for stopping by. Looks like love is in the air. ;)
Too strange. I swear I've seen this b4!!! It's beautiful; the meaning behind the wedding is so special.
Great job capturing the vibrant colors here, nice work!
Thanks for stopping by My Site and happy WW to you.
Your photos are beautiful.
i wish you can take my portrait! you're good!
I agree with Spices...
and I also want to have a camera like yours! *lol*
Nice shots. The colors are great. I wonder how many weddings are this traditional these days?
Happy WW!
It's interesting to see the wedding traditions from different cultures. Congratulations to the couple!
More nice wedding photos. It seems like they are serious and formal about their weddings.
You do such a good job of photographing weddings, CK.
hi, CK! nice photo, i'm glad we can see other cultures through your photos
I am here for WW, but I got distracted by the McDonald's pictures. Very interesting!
The wedding procession is nice, too, of course. But does it compare to a Mega Teriyaki Burger?
Happy WW!
How pretty the colours are in your firt picture. Happy WW.
I would have loved to see this life !
Beautiful pictures! And I like the fact that some of them wear flip flops! I'd love to wear flip flops at my wedding!:)
Happy WW and thanks for stopping by!
that's beautiful. thanks for visiting my blog
Wonderful Picture. It is so nice to see that all traditions are not lost.
Those are really neat shots! The clothing is so beautiful!
Beautiful. The clarity is stunning.
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy WW! I've never seen photos of ol' school Japanese wedding...
Thanx for your earlier visit! I invite your blog readers to see an unusual outcome of yesterday's earthquake on my WW-post this week...
peace, Villager
Very regal.
Beautiful pictures of a lovely Japanese wedding procession!!
We both pictured a bit of Japan for our WW :) Interesting platform sandals men wear at this event!
wow this is really interesting and something new for me...thanks for sharing...
mine is up. hope you can drop by:
Beautiful. It looks so solemn
As the guide to Newlyweds for About.com and someone whose WW posts are always of weddings, I appreciate seeing the wedding rituals of other cultures. Thanks for sharing this.
Very elaborate wedding gown. It must be tiring for the couple. :)
Beautiful colors! Great to see other culture's weddings.
awww your pictures aren't showing up for me! even when i hit refresh.. thanks for stopping by! happy WW!
I'm really enjoying your series!
Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! The photos themselves are great, and the actual wedding clothing and colors and just wonderful.
Happy WW!
Beautiful, of course. But I think weddings are a bit 'too done', give me barefoot on the beach!
WOW! That is wonderful. For some reason, I found myself drawn to the footwear.
Gorgeous photos. Happy WW!
Loved the glimpse into a Japanese tradition - thanks!
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
Very lovely photos!
Beautiful. I wish there was sound, too!
I loved this glimpse into a culture not my own. The bride's cloak is amazing.
Dear Wordless Wednesday participants, thanks for dropping by and your kind compliments. :)
What a beautiful wedding! I also enjoyed seeing your photos of Disney.
Thank you for stopping by my WW and for your compliment.
Have a great weekend!
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