CK Go Places Search Engine

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Wordless Wednesday – Traditional Japanese Wedding







Location: Meiji Jingu, Tokyo, Japan
Date taken: June 28th, 2008
Cameras: Nikon D300 + Micro Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D, Nikon D70s + Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D


Ryanne said...

Thank you for sharing the wedding pic they are beautiful. Happy tuesday!

jams o donnell said...

Great shots. Happy WW

Unknown said...

Fascinating how different it is here in the U.S., albeit so very sacred. Happy Ww.

Mama Grizzly said...

VERY COOL! Thank for sharing

Anonymous said...

Japanese Traditional weddings are really great. Most Japaneses are forgoing these traditions which is kinda sad.

Anonymous said...

This is a very nice addition to your portfolio of wedding photography, CK. Great work!


Jim said...

Hi CK, you have taken very nice photographs of some very beautiful people. Of course it their dress we see as so beautiful, both the traditional wearing and those with Western attire.

Happy WW, and thanks for peeking in on Dusty. Dusty is a very nice horse that belongs to our neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Love the clothes. Everyone looks so serious. I like how the couple are almost smiling in that one shot :0)

Maisie said...

Wow. I just love all those pictures. The bride's and groom's clothing and the red umbrella is very interesting to me. My American cousin is currently living in Japan. His job is to marry Japanese people who want to have an American style wedding. I think that the couple ends up having a traditional Japanese wedding, too.

Lori said...

How come no one is smiling? Shouldnt they be?? Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! Happy WW.

J@n!ce said...

Their costume are really elaborative :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your pictures are simply beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are stunning!

chartao said...

great photos..

thanks for sharing...

Four-eyed-missy said...

What a beautiful display of culture and tradition - I hope things like this are preserved for future generations to come!

Rizza said...

as usual, you have captured this ocassion in such a way that it would be very interesting to look at.

great pics!

Robin said...

How beautiful. The bride's kimono is stunning.

I hope that once the formal part of the wedding was over they were able to stop looking so serious and begin having fun.

Anonymous said...

Love your photos. Saw a wedding once at a shrine in Kyoto and it was amazing. Happy WW!

Snap Catch said...

Nice one, perfectc catch for WW! Mine's up too hope you can drop by.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful photos. It all looks so serene and formal.

Marcie said...

These wedding photos are so elegant and traditional. I like the contrast between these and the photos from your last Wordless Wednesday. Two different facets of Japanese culture. Very nice!

Shelia said...

What beautiful pictures!

I was never able to fully appreciate the beauty of traditional Japanese clothing until I visited Japan a few years ago, which makes these photos all the more beautiful to me.

Happy WW!

Monkey! said...

I'm glad to see traditions live on...

tonya said...

Very nice! Beautiful pictures.
Happy WW!

Raven said...

What a wonderful series of photos. Thank you for sharing them.

Unknown said...

I was so happy when I saw the bride smile! She looked so serious during the walk.

Kat said...

Amazing pictures, once again!

Snap Catch said...

Great catch for WW! Mine's up too hope you can drop by...

Susan Demeter said...

They are a beautiful couple! Happy WW :)

My WW entries for today are at:

Pastyme With Good Companye

The Paranormal Blog

Nuttin' But

Please do stop by if you have a moment.

SandyCarlson said...

What a beautiful ceremony, CK. So elegant. The costumes are gorgeous.

Pretty Life Online said...

ohhh.... this is cool shots for WW! Mine's up too hope you can drop by...

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