CK Go Places Search Engine

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Wordless Wednesday – Samba Carnival Girls





Location: Omiya, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Date taken: August 1st, 2008
Camera equipment: Nikon D300 + Micro Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D + Nikon Speedlight SB-800


The Lone Beader® said...

There are lots of beads on these costumes!

Mojo said...

You sure do find some gorgeous subjects CK. I need to go to some of your places!

Anonymous said...

Lovely captures of the samba ladies in action! Beautiful shots! :) Have a great day!

HartofDixie said...

I love the details of the costumes. Well designed!
The girls are rocking.

jams o donnell said...

Wow those costumes are exquisite!

Cynthia said...

Those really are some great costumes!

Mama Grizzly said...

Cool costumes!

Lori said...

Great shot:) Love the colors. Happy WW.

Ruey said...

oh my....o_O

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Beautiful ladies in gorgeous Saba outfits :)

J@n!ce said...

I love costumes. they are so colorful :)

Anonymous said...

great shots! love the colors!

YellowRose said...

Such gorgeous women in beautiful, colorful costumes!! Great photos!!

Sheeshintx said...

Beautiful photo's. Those are some elaborate costume. Thank you for stopping by and happy WW!

Anonymous said...

That's ONE refreshing view at 6 a.m. - wow - beautiful girls, costumes AND shots!
Have a happy WW!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful pictures...and the girls are pretty.

TorAa said...

Amazing beauties and excellent captures

Anonymous said...

I agree with nicoleb. Lovely shots and beauties. I imagine how they danced to perspire like that.Still they look glittery colorful! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Rocking girlies! :D Nice shots!

Anonymous said...

Samba in Japan? What a combination! A real cross-cultural event. Good one, CK.


MaR said...

I am with Bobbie above me, samba in Japan??
Beautiful samba ladies!
Happy ww!

Anonymous said...

And a good time was had by all! This looks like fun.

catsynth said...

Great photos. Very lovely images.
Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful ladies. One of the few things I like better than model trains. Great photos!

Anonymous said...

*wow* It must be the party of the partys to be there!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Those are awesome costumes! What fun!! I would love to go to Japan one day.

Firefighter said...

Great post, nice.

Anonymous said...

It looks like so much fun!
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful!

PhotoChick said...

Holy cow! Those pictures are amazing! The color is just fabulous on every single one - KUDOS!

I'll have to ask my husband if he ever saw anything like that though, since he lived in Japan for a year back when he was serving in the Marine Corp.

Thanks so much for stopping by & for the nice comment. Take care & God Bless!

Anonymous said...

colourful! nice photos.
thanks for stopping by and have a happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful!! Such vivid colors!!

Happy WW!!

Anonymous said...

Alluring sexy girls! You must have a good time taking those pictures, hehee! As usual your shots are beyond perfect. Clear and full of life...

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous pictures. It is a place I would like to visit. As a man I was very pleased to view them. Then I had to look again and see what wonderful work you had done.

If you get a minute check out the pics of my granddaughters 4th Birthday.

Anonymous said...

Ohh, sexy!

MattM3 said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, those costumes are so elegant! I'm especially fond of the red one. Great shots! Happy WW :)

Le Butterfly said...

Stunning colour.

Visit Simone's Butterfly WW

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures! The costumes are beautiful! Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty shots of women i like it. Happy WW!

Jack said...

Wow! those costumes are amazing -- So colorful!

Thanks for the visit, happy WW :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Their sense of fun is contagious. I love the samba. Wonderful photos.

Anonymous said...

Fun and colorful photos. Happy WW.

Rob Monroe said...

That looks like a fun way to spend a day!

Anonymous said...

Talk about vivid colors! These are great shots made all the better in that they were taken at night...

Sheila said...

Great photos and very surprised to see samba girls in Japan!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

What vibrant colors, and gorgeous women!

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Here's my post:
In Nature

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Cool costumes.

Happy WW!!

tigerfish said...

Vibrant colors! Love it!

Cascia Talbert said...

Beautiful costumes. That must have been really cool to see.

Happy WW!

Cascia @ Healthy Moms

lareine said...

i believe you've captured the spirit of the festivity... ms. blue and ms. red have very interesting costumes --- it must have taken some time to make them :)... let's go samba, girls!!!

Raven said...

Nice photos... I just love all the wacky house pictures down below too. Two such very different sets of pictures, all wonderfully done.

Daisy said...

They look pretty!

OGD Critic said...

They are lovely!

Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful costumes! Happy WW.

PMKU said...

Very cool costumes! Happy WW and thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Gorgeous photos. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting

Heidi said...

Please, I wore that yesterday to the grocery store. (the red one of course, the other ones would have been too flashy for daytime.)

Vered said...

They are beautiful, even if a little too exposed to my liking. :)

Maisie said...

Very festive and colorful. Your photos tell a story.

Erin Faye said...

Those are beautiful costumes!

Courtney said...

I agree with the others...beautiful costumes on beautiful ladies! Great pics! Thanks for stopping by today.

Anonymous said...


Happy WW.

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Nice photos that reminded me of Carnival in Brazil.

Thanks for commenting on my site. Happy WW! :)

Cinnamon Girl said...


Anonymous said...

The joys of a zoom lens!

Rachel said...

Great photos!

Thanks for stopping by today.

Anonymous said...

love the vibrant colors! Happy WW

Anonymous said...

The... um... colors are just stunning. Nice shots.

Happy WW!

The Fitness Diva said...

Gorgeous! I want to try on all those outfits! Take me to carnivale NOW! ;)

carrie said...

very nice!

Sara said...

Lovely colours, and I'm sure there was a great atmosphere!

...I'm very glad though that I don't have to fit myself into one of those costumes ;-) hahaha

Alvis said...

Wow...nice pictures. Good subject matter. :)

Monkey! said...

Looks like a great time - you do go to some cool places!

MiLeT said...

your pics are really nice. it resounds the festivities.

thanks for the visit.

meemsnyc said...

Wow festive costumes!

Amazing Gracie said...

Great photography - looks as though they were hot (and I don't mean it that way!).
Thanks for your visit...

Barb said...

Beautiful costumes for some beautiful gals.

Lisa Cobler said...

Those a beautiful shots. Great post !

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots, exotic colours!
...and happy WW, back :)

Karen said...

Wow, the costumes are incredible! I can't imagine how much time it takes to make those.

Thanks for stopping by my WW! Have a great day!

Meredith said...

Wow...those pictures are amazing. And I love Tokyo Disney...Love how things are written in English!!!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

So fancy!

CK Ng said...

Dear Wordless Wednesday participants and friends, thanks for dropping by and your kind comments. See you in the next Wordless Wednesday. :)

shiera (bisdakbabbles) said...

lovely costumes!
I've tried a samba dance lesson once and I loved it!

Landscape company in Dubai said...

I went there and watched this spectacular show! It was unforgettable! There costumes were adorable.

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