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Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Wordless Wednesday – The Creepy Crawlers


Anonymous said...

Every time I see spiders, or even ants, I will feel itchy on my hands. Weird, I know.

But those pictures you posted are fantastic (=

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, great macro. Love the first spider, you can see all it's little eyes! Happy WW!

Lori said...

Yikes....I hate spiders!!! Happy WW.

Natalie said...

Now I'm going to have nightmares with those creepy little things!

Unknown said...

Happy WW! Great photos. Very creepy...

My WW meme influenced by Oscar nominee Ruby Dee.

peace, Villager

eastcoastlife said...

eeeekkkkks! Help! Help!
*jumps around looking for a chair to stand on*

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Amazing macro shots! WOW! Nice job - although the subject matter has me a bit scared...

Speaking from the Heart said...

I'm freaking out just looking at them. On the other hand, you did a great job in capturing the detail of each insect(?)

Ingrid said...

I recognize the quality of the photos, but the subject is just disgusting !

Anonymous said...

I am such an arachnophobe... I had to scroll really quickly through those! :)

carmilevy said...

Good thing I like spiders :) These are SO COOL!

I've posted my WW contribution here:

Thanks for once again inspiring with your view through the lens. Hope you have a great WW, and hope you drop by my blog!

All the best,


Pamela said...

and sat down beside her...
and scared all wordless wednesdays away....


Gabriel said...

You took all those pictures??? Wow...

Please find mine here.

Happy WW!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Love the close ups! But, honestly, I am scared of spiders :D

D. Renee Bagby said...


All I can say is they will live so long as they stay out of my house.


Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

which Nikkon lens you used to capture those? Cyn

Anonymous said...

I'm not too fond of these creatures but I have to say you made some good shots. Happy WW.

Tips_tricks said...

Yikes. Shudder.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, CK, I hope they don't bite!

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm never in his company! Happy WW

Anonymous said...

I hate all sorts of bugs. yuck, yuck, yuck. But- I do have to admit that those are excellent shots!

Stop by Livin' With Me to check out the Blogaholics Anonymous blogroll I have started.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are wonderful bug photos. They seem so big ;)

Anonymous said...

Eeeeew!! Spiders creep me out. Great pictures, though. :)

Anonymous said...

oh thats wow interesting...

Anonymous said...

Those multiple eyes are truly creepy!! Thanks for sharing and visiting.

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

The first two pics look like the jumping kind. I've seen those before...
Nice photos~ Happy WW :D

Lynette3boys said...

I now have the chills running up and down my arms - or maybe that's a spider. Eeewww!

Qtpies7 said...

One thing I absolutely hate about WW is coming across spider pictures. Thanks for creepy crawlies today!

Anonymous said...

Those are some great pics!

Shannon said...

Great pictures of spiders. I love how you could see all their eyes. I will have to show this to my kids when they get home from school. They love all things creepy crawlie.

PamelaMKramer said...

Those pics give me the heeby geebies! LOL - Such detail. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

ICK - definitely creepy! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

yikes! :D great close-ups you got there!

Anonymous said...

Hi!Thanks for the visit at my blog.Great shots!

Anonymous said...

Whoa!That is really something!

Anonymous said...

My son would so love to see that!

Beth Ellen said...

Beautiful jumpers. :)

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