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Wednesday 2 January 2008

Wordless Wednesday – The Portraits of a Damselfly


Anonymous said...

WOW! How captivating!!

Bernie said...

That third one is soooo scary!!! ;)

Great shots, I love macro photography...

Ours is up as well at burntofferings and more at bernies fotoblog.

Happy New Year and WW!!

HartofDixie said...

You have one of the best photos I've seen. Beautifully captured!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's beautiful!

RW said...

Awesome photos! Great WW & Happy New Year to you! Idaho Daily Photo

Joyismygoal said...

very goodHave a great WW and a very Happy New Year. :)

Natalie said...

Interesting imagery!

Pamela said...

I'll never again look at a damselfly the same - now that I know they have a smile (:

**"Liza"** said...

this is simply the best! good thing the dragon fly didn't flew when you took this..;)
I hope you had a Blast New Year Eve! Post mine too

Cathy said...

Those are just stunning. Happy WW and Happy New yearr.
From Cathy in Kotzebue, Alaska

Anonymous said...

wonderful and elegant shots!

happy new year!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Impressive close up shot!!
Cheers to 2008!It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle

Marie said...

what an amazing shot!!! you must have one of those nice cameras, lucky you!!!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful capture!!

jennwa said...

Incredible!! I love the one of the face.. Very impressive!!
Happy WW!!!!

Bren said...

Awesome! My son loves those shots!

Tina said...

The damselfly looks like it is made of shining glass... brilliant!!!

Have a wonderful and happy new year! Tina

alice said...

Beautiful! So delicate!

Sharon said...

Those are just beautiful! So vibrant.
Wonderful capture!

Gabriel said...

How cool!

My WW post is here.

Robyn Jones said...

The one where the bug is facing the camera??? Freaked me out......

PamelaMKramer said...

Very cool, thanks for sharing and Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

That is just so neat! Wonderful, wonderful shots. Happy WW and 2008!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

very spectacular and stunning photo -thanks for visiting me
Happy New Year and hope 2008 is all you want it to be !

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. Wish I have a macro lens now. :)

CK Ng said...

Fellow WW participants> Thanks very much for dropping by and all your kind words. :)

Jayce> A macro lens is very fun to use. Make it your next lens in the line up. :)

Shelia said...

Wow, these photos are incredible! What exquisite color.

Astro Galaxy said...

Your macro photography skills are great!
Thanks for sharing these pics!

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