CK Go Places Search Engine

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Millipede and Parasites

Location: Stutong Park, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Date taken: 19th June 2010
Camera equipment: Nikon D300 + Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D + Nikon Speedlight SB-800 + Nikon Speedlight SB-900


Simply Delicious said...

Amazing photos. The colors are so vivid.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful, vibrant orange captured with SO MUCH texture!

Maude Lynn said...

These are amazing!

caite said...

beautiful photos...of a very creepy creature.

Anonymous said...

These are so cool.

SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful. To think I'd scrape them far and far away in person! Thanks for making me look again.

amandab said...

Amazing colours! My Princess thinks it looks like a scorpion LOL!

Happy WW!

Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach said...

UGH! Can't handle it! LOL

WW Kitten Naming Contest

Pat said...

You have made a creepy crawly creature look beautiful and artistic. Bravo! Very cool photos.

catsynth said...

Great pictures once again. I really like the shapes, and a curl of centipede into a spiral.

Ma.links said...

Exquisite shots.

stan said...

reminds me of an old chinese movie once abt voodoo n centipedes...creepy.

Anonymous said...

was trying to count its feet, lol, i can't
Mariposa's WW!

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