CK Go Places Search Engine

Saturday 9 June 2012

An Assignment to the Forest Park

I was given an assignment of a cover photo for the programme book of the upcoming 5th Engineering Conference (EnCon 2012) as most of my colleagues know that I have a considerable number of photos after 'collecting' images for the past several years. After I have searched through my collection did I realise that I haven't got any image that suits the conference theme of "Engineering Towards Change - Empowering Green Solutions".

Therefore, I went on a mission to the Samajaya Forest Park because this place has a lot of green. I forked out fifty Sen to pay the ranger at the entrance but he told me that the entrance fee had increase to on Ringgit. I sceptically asked when was the increase and he pointed me to the notice pasted on wall and told me it was with effect from 1st May 2012. So, I forked out another fifty Sen for him.

It was really not hard to find green subjects in the forest but it was hard to make them to suit the theme of the conference.

I walked and searched for the curve.

I bent down to look for the light and shadow.

I looked up for the shape and pattern.

After I had done with the assignment, I started to look for the subject of my own interest. Coincidentally, this mantis looking cricket I found is also green.


Newspaper Article said...

hmm..the object is take it very well

CK Ng said...

Thanks very much for the compliments. :)

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